
LETO is the umbrella organization for the study associations from the Faculty of Arts at Radboud University Nijmegen. LETO was founded with two main goals in mind. Firstly, LETO strives to represent the interests of the member associations to the Faculty of Arts and the Radboud University Nijmegen. The second aim is to connect all member associations and to offer them support.

Founding of the umbrella organization
Umbrella Organization LETO was founded on June 19th, 2018 by the founding board, consisting of Corel van den Brink (chair), Jolijn van Rossem (secretary) and Delano van Luik (treasurer). They had been working on founding LETO since 2017. Before the founding of the umbrella organization there was another way to bring all the study associations in touch with each other, the Faculty Student Council of Arts (FSCA) and the assessor of the Faculty of Arts. The ‘Letterencommissie’ (LetCo) included a delegate from every study association. Additionally, the ‘Samenwerkingsoverleg Letterenverenigingen’ (SOLve) organized meetings with the study associations and the FSCA to provide updates about the Faculty. The founding board of LETO suggested the umbrella organization as a more efficient replacement of the LetCo and the SOLve.